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A measurement process tailored to your business

Accurate and fully customized CPG measurement using a proprietary process based on over 20 years of experience that works within your existing financial systems.

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Data Preparation

Granulytix works with your business to collect, clean, and prepare all data to measure fully-loaded granular profitability, including:

  • Financial reporting GL data extracts

  • Granular details

  • Allocation driver metrics

  • Mapping & various support tables

Granulytix Advantage

  • Expertise in defining key allocation drivers across various industries

  • Ability to work with data of all shapes, sizes, and dimensions

  • Experience identifying & resolving data issues 

Parameters & Logic

We work closely with experts in your organization to establish the underlying logic & parameters to measure granular profitability, such as:

  • Defining cost elements

  • Identifying supported segments and dimensions

  • Specifying multi-tiered allocation drivers

Granulytix Advantage

  • Our approach leverages over 20 years of experience to accelerate the measurement process while ensuring logic & parameters properly reflect any organizational nuances 

CGP Processing

After defining the logic & parameters, Granulytix processes the data & validates results, including: 

  • Timely status updates 

  • Reconciliations to core data sources

  • Management review and methodology refinements as appropriate

Granulytix Advantage

  • Our flexible platform works with data of all shapes, sizes, and dimensions

  • Extensive experience identifying & resolving data issues that can impact results

Ongoing Updates

We establish a regular cadence to update and refresh the granular profitability information based on your organization’s needs, including:

  • Update frequency (e.g. monthly, quarterly)

  • Scheduled delivery timelines and dates

  • System and protocols to share/access the data

Granulytix Advantage

  • Consistent approach & logic used period over period

  • Ability to refine logic and restate historical data as necessary

  • Timely updates support better and faster strategic decision-making

Designed with your business in mind 


Get piece of mind that your data is safe with robust security features.


Have your team focus on generating insights, while we focus on providing you the data.


No two businesses are the same and our platform is customized to your needs. 


As your company grows, Granulytix will ensure CGP continues to be available.

Explore how our analytical tools help to uncover hidden insights that can drive profitable growth.
Learn how we develop your organizational capabilities to harness the power of CGP.
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